Business Journey my next step

Business Journey my next step

So, Things were going well with my small business, who would think that mens personalised dressing gowns were going to be popular?

The Memory craft 400e embroidery machine was a great embroidery machine, it did everything i needed and coped well with the quantity of gowns i was producing, but there was one thing that was a problem, the gowns were so big it was a squeeze to fit the gowns on comfortably, I wanted a larger hoop size, and embroidery area so the next Christmas i traded it for a Memory craft  550E which was amazing, so much more room for the gowns to lay flat.

Things were going great and i started adding a few more items to my Etsy shop, but the gowns were always the best seller, but, i was finding that i was getting more specific design request from customers which required numerous changes of colours on one design, my machine was a single needle machine and although it was fine changing the colour of thread each time there was a colour change, it became a bit of a pain when i was busy, So, guess what?? the next Christmas i bought a Semi industrial multi needle embroidery machine, a Happy Journey 7 needle machine, oooh my!  This was a different way of working all together, i started taking over the lounge as the machine was twice the size and weight and needed to put it on the dining room table, but it was great as it meant that the gowns would hang down out of the way so wouldn't get caught up in the embroidery area, and the speed was unbelievable, I was now happy, I had my perfect machine and things were going well, i didn't need anything else......well that is what i thought at the time anyway.

Come back next month to see what Joanne did next...............

Picture attached is my first ever embroidery machine.

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