Business Journey - Another step Another embroidery machine

Business Journey - Another step Another embroidery machine

So things were going great the New Happy Japan 7 needle embroidery was working well and was a perfect purchase for my growing business and productivity was growing - then the dreaded Covid pandemic hit and we were all dealing with the terrible concerns of what was going to happen personally and professionally, but a week into lock down, the orders came flying in, I was very overwhelmed but very lucky, not to have a business but a growing business with constant orders, January 2021 arrived and i was still getting lots of orders coming in so i invested in another Happy Japan 7 needle embroidery machine to help me catch up from all the orders from over the Christmas period, again the second machine went on the dining table next to my other machine, the lounge was now looking like a factory with dressing gowns stored in boxes in every available space, Christmas dinner was on our laps this year!! So the decision was made by me and my suffering husband to invest in a purpose built workspace at the bottom of our garden, and my husband was pleased as it meant he got his own Man Cave as well Win Win!

Next time - our shed building journey


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